Friday 21 January 2011

Video techniques experiment.


One of my favourite ways of creating videos is using stop motion. I think it is very effective and can make a short piece of video more interesting than simply filming it.  I have decided that I may try and use stop motion for my music video. Linked is a video I created earlier today using stop motion. It is a little experiment as i have also included small pieces of film. I will consider using stop motion for my music video although I will also have to keep in mind that it is a very lengthy process and can take much longer that simply filming a video.  I am pleased with the way this short clip has turned out it doesn' have any form of a plot but
it has given me the opportunity to look at stop motion and how to create a successful short clip. 


The second type of filming I have experimented with is animation. I have created a short acetate animation based on a poem. I decided to look into acetate animation as it is a cheap and easy way to create short animated clips. This experiment was quite quick but it opened my eyes to how i could create a animation based music video. 

This animation, named 'Goldfish Nation' is based on a poem by Jason Strugnell and is basically about how life is so much easier for a fish as they have nothing to worry about. I created a short animation for the first few verses of the poem. 

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