Sunday 14 November 2010

Program Making and Video Blogging

On the 22nd of October ________ , who used to be a producer of Big Brother, came in to speak to my media group about video blogging and program making. I found it very useful and interesting and here is a little of what i learnt.....

FORMAT: The format of an interview or a program is how it has been structured. For example when they interview contestants on the X Factor all the interviewees will have been asked the same questions and all the footage will have been edited in the same order with similar cut ins. This is useful for me as now when i see an interview on tele i can see how it has been edited and if it is effective. If it i an effective interview i can try to follow its format to make my interview just as good.

NARRATIVE ARK: A narrative ark is a story that has a beginning, middle and an end. In other words it tells the whole story from start to finish.

PRODUCING: From the speech i also learnt what you have to consider when producing a television program, film etc. I learnt that you have to be able to develop your ideas and the capacity to make them happen. To make sure it is successful you also have to make sure you have a clear angle and concept.
You should also be able to format your angle into a narrative ark, ensuring that your format can be used throughout the program.

A producer also has to consider health and safety issues, have an understanding of media and law ethics as well as budget control. They should also be forward thinking and be able to foresee any problems that may occur.


Any good television show should have a PEG. Something different that will make people want to watch it.

For example the television show Peep Show has the PEG that it was filmed from the main characters point of view, the camera is the 1st person. People like this because it makes the show different form other television programs.


A video diary is just how it sounds, it is someone talking directly to the camera as if they are reading a diary. Good examples of this are in Big Brother and in other programs such as Alone In The Wild. This technique will be useful for me as when i am updating my blog i don't always necessarily have to use text i could also film me telling the camera what i have been doing. 

CUTAWAY: Cutaways are were you keep on filming a shot even when the action has finished. This allows you to use the footage in editing to prevent jump cuts and make to final product seem much smoother. 


it should be challenging, revealing, evocative, provocative, display emotion and be engaging with audience. 


The on camera interview. Here you see both the interviewer and the interviewee.

The off-camera interview. Here you only see the interviewee, for this to be successful you have to ensure the interviewees eye line is just off camera. If they are looking in another direction the interview wont engage the audience and if they are looking directly into the camera it is just scary. 

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