Friday 6 May 2011

Evaluation of the project.

The final product of this project is my music video for the song 'Let's go surfing'. I am really pleased with the video as I think it really fulfills its purpose and I think the overall finish of the video is really good.

Developing my ideas

When I first thought about creating a BSL music video I thought it would be really hard. I didn't know any sign language and I wasn't sure what the deaf community look for in a music video. I therefor found the help from the Dereham Sense centre unvaluable as they both taught me the signs I needed and how to make a good sign language video.

Once I had decided that I was going to create a BSL video I had a clear vision of what I wanted the video to be like. There aren't that many BSL music videos around and the ones there are are quite bland. I wanted to create something that used sign language but that was also visually interesting.

Song choice: I am still really pleased with the song I chose 'Let's go surfing' by The Drums. The signs to the song are really easy and look effective. The repetition of the chorus also makes for a good BSL video.

Filming my video

Filming the video was really fun. I particularily enjoyed using the green screen as it was something I had never done before. A lot of the filming was simply trial and error as I had to film the clips and see how they looked on screen. If I was to film a project like this again I would like to use a higher definition camera so the footage would be of better quality.

Editing the video

Editing the video took musch longer than filming it. I used Imovie on my macbook, which was really good, and I think the final video was editied quite smoothly. The reason the editing process took so long was because I had to green screen each clip and then make sure the lip syncing was correct. Once everything had been green-screened etc. I also decided to add subtitles to my video to make sure people could understand the signing as easily as possilble. If I was to try and edit another BSL video it would probably be much easier as I would know all the techniques. I found it quite difficult this time around as some of the skills, such as green-screening, I had never done before.

The Completed Video

I am  really pleased with the video now it is finished. I think I have managed to create a BSL video which is creative and easy to understand. The most rewarding part of creating my video was reciving feedback from the students at the Sense College.

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