Thursday 5 May 2011


Last week I took my video to the Sense College in Dereham and showed them my video. They all said they liked it and I was really pleased when they sent me these letters with advice and praise about the video.
This feedback is really important to me as the student at the Sense centre are my target audience. All the students use sign language and have diiferent levels of hearing imparments. These letters have given me the confidence to pu tmy video on YouTube and share it with the rest if the world.

The letter bellow was the one I was most pleased with. It is from the signing instuctor, Beverley, at Sense who taught me the signs and so her approvale is really valued. Beverley is completely deaf and the fact she could understand most of the signs is really good. Her comments also means I can go over the parts of the video she found harder to understand and improve them.

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